Qatar Foreign Policy Based on Principle of Cooperation and Partnership to Face Common Challenges

The State of Qatar has affirmed that its foreign policy is based on the principle of cooperation and partnership to face common challenges, noting that its national vision (2030) regards international cooperation as an integral part of the national development process and enhancing the regional and global role of Qatar economically and politically. In particular within the framework of the United Nations system and regional and international organizations.

This came in a statement by the State of Qatar, delivered by Maha Yousef Al Baker, a member of the delegation of the State of Qatar participating in the 73rd Session of the United Nations General Assembly before the Second Committee (Economic and Finance), item 26 on "Towards global partnerships".

The importance of global partnerships for development has also been emphasized in Qatar's National Development Strategy 2018-2022," said Maha Yousef Al Baker. "Within this context, the State of Qatar attaches great importance to promoting South-South cooperation as a key factor in Achieving the goals of sustainable development, where the State voluntarily provides development assistance to developing countries, especially the least developed countries, in addition to official development assistance.

She added that as part of Qatar's constant commitment to working at the global level in a spirit of partnership to meet common challenges, Qatar hosted a number of international conferences, including the high-level meeting to prepare for the Economic and Social Council Forum on Financing for Development this year, and the International Follow-up Conference on Financing for Development to review the Monterrey Consensus in 2008.

She said that the Sustainable Development Plan (2030) is a milestone in efforts to ensure that no one is left behind and represents a comprehensive framework for efforts to eradicate poverty in all its forms and dimensions and achieve sustainable and inclusive development.

She stressed that in light of the economic, environmental, humanitarian and social challenges facing our world today, the achievement of the ambitious and transformational goals of this Plan, and ensuring that no one is left behind, requires the strengthening of the global partnership for sustainable development, based on a spirit of global solidarity, with a particular focus on the needs of the poorest and those living in fragile situation, promoting effective partnerships and cooperation between the public and private sectors, giving civil society organizations, youth and the academic community an opportunity to play their part in this field .

In its statement, the State of Qatar noted that, given the importance of the theme addressed today, the 2030 Sustainable Development Plan gave special attention to the issue of global partnerships and had a special objective, namely, the 17th objective, which emphasized the strengthening of means of implementation and the revitalization of the global partnership, in order to achieve sustainable development.

She noted that the emphasis of the report of the Secretary-General of the United Nations under this item on the importance of the global leadership role of the United Nations as the focal point for cooperation among a variety of actors and the efforts of the United Nations to play a more catalytic role in generating the necessary funding and innovation to achieve the goals of sustainable development.

As part of Qatar's efforts to meet its commitment to implement the 2030 Sustainable Development Plan, this year's voluntary national review was presented during the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development, which gave a snapshot of the progress made by the State of Qatar in implementing the sustainable development goals discussed , including the 17th objective.

The State of Qatar expressed its confidence that international partnerships would invest the opportunity "to move forward in translating the goals of the sustainable development plan into real action in a balanced and integrated manner, taking into account different circumstances, capacities, needs and levels of development and respect for national policies and priorities."

Concluding , the State of Qatar reiterated that it would spare no effort to continue to support the global partnership for development.