UN DAY 2019

                                                            Qatar and UN Day Concert

     The proclamation of 24 October as United Nations Day is an acknowledgement of the global efforts and achievements of the organization since its creation in 1945. The observance serves as an occasion to highlight, celebrate and reflect on the work of the United Nations and its family of agencies through the universal language of music and film.

   To mark the 74th anniversary of the United Nations Charter entering into force, the theme for this year’s UN Day Concert is ‘Building Prosperity for All through Culture, Education, Gender Equality, Sports and Sustainability’ and is organized by the Department of Global Communications with the Permanent Mission of the State of Qatar to the United Nations, and with support from Qatar’s Supreme Committee for Delivery and Legacy and the Doha Film Institute.

    The Concert aims to highlight the Sustainable Development Goals and the urgent need to fully implement the 2030 Agenda to bring long-lasting benefits to communities, regions and countries. It will specifically focus on the role of culture, sports, quality education and gender equality by showcasing women in leadership roles in the Middle East, especially in the arts. The Concert celebrates women who shattered classical music’s glass ceiling and defied social norms to compose, perform, teach and conduct classical music.

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